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Follow Up Email

Follow Up Email

This project was last updated September 29, 2022 byCloodo

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About Up Follow Up Email

Get customers to return to your store and demonstrate a personal approach with highly targeted and timely sent reminders. Create custom email templates based on previous orders, wishlists, newsletter subscriptions, customer birthdays and many other events. With the module, you can inform customers about hot deals and automatically attach discount coupons to them. Schedule automatic emails dispatch according to your needs and get detailed statistics via Google Analytics. For example, you can automatically send emails on customers' birthdays or after newsletter subscriptions. You can also send emails based on previous purchases, e.g. offer a tie with 10% off in a week after a client purchased a shirt. 


Key Features:

  • Customize emails for various order statuses
  • Send emails based on wishlists and previous orders
  • Generate emails based on customer activity
  • Automate emails dispatch
  • Gather statistics with Google Analytics


Wishlist-based Discounts

Generate promotions based on products which are added to wishlists to send highly targeted follow up emails. The module uses the following actions as a start event for emails dispatch:

  • Wishlist Created
  • Wishlist On sale (the email sent when products in a wishlist get a special price)
  • Wishlist Back in stock (the email is sent when a product from a wishlist comes back to stock)
  • Wishlist is shared

Emails For Different Order Statuses

Generate emails based on different order statuses to help customers easily track their orders. Choose the event to start your email campaign:

  • Order Created
  • Order Shipped
  • Order Invoiced
  • Order Completed
  • Order Cancelled

Promotions Based On Previous Orders

Be extremely helpful to your clients by sending them follow-ups based

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September 29, 2022







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Logo Project Free Shipping Bar
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Free Shipping Bar

Free Shipping Bar extension for Magento allows displaying a reminding bar throughout the store page to keep customers aware of the free shipping opportunity. The bar reminder can be displayed at one of the set locations on different store pages. In addition, the bar can automatically calculate difference between customer's current cart total and the amount required for free shipping. The bar comes equipped with a set of most popular Google fonts, adjusted for color or injected with custom CSS for the perfect store fit. According to the recent polls some 88% of customers are more likely to buy from the store offering free shipping. It is a 88% purchase decision, the storeowner cannot afford to lose. That's where Free Shipping Bar extension shines. It helps to deliver the information to the customer in a neat and convenient way, urging to spend more to get the free shipping.   Business Value The extension delivers information on free shipping straight to the customer: Increase conversion by delivering information on the free shipping opportunity; Increases average order value by reminding customers to add more products to the cart for free shipping.   Feature Highlights Display Relevant Messages Three different bars can be set up: when customer's cart is empty, some products are added, free shipping goal reached Automatic Calculations The bar automatically calculates difference between free shipping goal and current cart total making the message always relevant Store Positioning The bar can be displayed at home, catalog, product, shopping cart, and checkout pages Page Positioning The bar can be displayed at page top, page bottom, content top, and content bottom positions Adjust Shipping Bar Look A set of most popular Google fonts and an opportunity for custom CSS available in the bar settings Shipping Bar Preview The storeowner can preview the shipping bar look before launch Multistore Support The bar can be displayed in different languages depending on the store view Intuitive Administration Interface Administrator's interface is simple and responsive allowing for a quick setup   Demo Frontend Backend   Support Policy Free Lifetime Updates Aheadworks customers get free access to the newest versions of the extensions purchased.   Support Period Included In The Extension's Price Magento Open Source (CE) version - 3 months of free technical support Magento Commerce using on prem (EE) version - 3 months of free technical support Magento Commerce on Cloud (ECE) version - 3 months of free technical support

This project was last updated September 29, 2022 byCloodo

Logo Project Exit Intent Popup
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Exit Intent Popup

A high abandoned cart rate is a common problem for e-commerce stores. It happens due to multiple reasons: inconvenient checkout page, dissatisfaction with the store offers, distracted attention, or shoppers may simply close the tab by accident. Anyway, the problem remains and causes potential revenue losses.  Exit Intent Popup for Magento 2 helps store owners to retain customers and encourage them to stay on your webstore. The extension shows a customizable popup each time a customer intends to leave a store. Place a tempting offer on the popup (such as a discount or a special deal) and you will dissuade shoppers from leaving. Thus, you will turn occasional visitors into customers, reduce the abandonment rate and get new emails for your base.    Key Features: Display automatic popup if a customer intents to exit Provide discounts and special offers in a popup Add exit popup to checkout and a shopping cart Adjust the content and the email template   Retain Shoppers With The Exit Popup The popup contains the subscription offer and is displayed when a user wants to leave your webstore. This way, you can bring customers back at the last moment.  Add Popup To Various Pages Choose the pages to show the popup. With the extension, you can display it on the most valuable pages - shopping cart or/and checkout - to stop shoppers from abandoning when they are close to a purchase.  Provide Appealing Offers Make customizations according to your business specifications to engage visitors: provide catchy heading and the text of the popup. The best way to make them stay is to provide discounts, free virtual products or special offers right before they are about to leave.  Send Automatic Emails  When customers see the popup and provide their emails in it, the extension will generate an automatic email with the content according to the offer (it can contain links, discount coupons or other bonuses).  Adjust The Emails Even though the extension adds a special email template, still, you are free to customize it the way you like and make it more tempting for your customers.   User Guide: | Take a look at the detailed user guide |    Demo: |Backend Settings| |Checkout Page|   Our Support Policy: Free lifetime updates; 3 months of free support services included; 25-days Marketplace Return Policy.

This project was last updated September 29, 2022 byCloodo

Logo Project SMTP
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Magento admins often struggle to avoid sending spam emails from the store. The emails that are sent by default Magento 2 will probably end up in a spam box. The default email server of inherent hosting will be used to send unregistered emails from unauthorized senders. Hence, the email may be marked as untrustworthy or toxic for the recipients’ devices. As a result, these emails cannot approach your customers. SMTP is the solution to avoid that problem and this extension provides an option to configure the SMTP server to send emails. The 'Test Emails' function will allow you to manually check your email sending with the defined SMTP providers, input Protocol, and Host to make sure if your emails will be sent to the correct Inbox.   Features: Simple and easy interface to configure email server Test email function Validation and error report on test Customizable SMTP server Support none authentication method Decrease the chance of going emails to spam  Easy to install and configure Supports multiple stores Email logs Cron Job to clear log

This project was last updated September 29, 2022 byCloodo

Logo Project Popup Pro
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Popup Pro

Popup Pro extension for Magento 2 uses various types of customer behavior to trigger a popup window. The design and content of a popup are very flexible – store administrator is free to edit it to match his current tasks. Popup Pro extension can be used to: suggest customers subscribing to the newsletter, participating in the promotions, explaining policies, placing sign in form, etc. The popup supports all media content: widgets, CMS blocks, videos, images. The popup content is managed via native Magento WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor allowing for rich text and formatting options. To create a popup store administrator first decides on one of the five trigger events available. Whether it is a second or third page visit, or customer scrolled down a page for say 70% a popup will be displayed whenever required. In addition, store administrator can specify the product page or a type of the pages the popup should be displayed at with the help of product attributes. To end with, Popup Pro extension allows for custom CSS injections for seamless store design integration.   Business Value The extension introduces a convenient notification and promotional tool.  Benefit most from the popups using targeting options – provide customers with valuable offers on their site behavior; Increase conversions by equipping your popups with great design and valuable content; Track the efficiency of each popup through statistics.    Feature Highlights Targeting Options The relevance of displayed popup can be controlled by showing it to a particular customer group, at a certain page type, or a custom selection of pages. Popup Design Custom Cascading Style Sheets piece may be inserted to edit the default popup design, What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get editor may be used to create content. Animation A number of options cover most commonly used entrance animation effects. Trigger Events By selecting and adjusting specific trigger events administrator controls the exact conditions and timing of a popup. Effectiveness Tracking Key performance statistics for each popup are available from the popup grid. Backend Preview When creating a popup preview button may be used to see how will it look like at frontend. User-friendly Interface All controls are gathered under a single tab, allowing for an uninterrupted workflow.    Demo To experience the extension firsthand follow the links below: Frontend Backend   Support Policy Included technical support: Magento Open Source (CE) version - 3 months of free technical support Magento Commerce using on prem (EE) version - 3 months of free technical support  Magento Commerce on Cloud (ECE) version - 3 months of free technical support   

This project was last updated September 29, 2022 byCloodo

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