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Rich Snippets

Rich Snippets

This project was last updated September 29, 2022 byCloodo

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About Up Rich Snippets

Rich snippets help search engines better comprehend its context for search results display. When Rich Snippets are employed, search engines are able to display more information about the actual result, including whether this particular result is a review, a person, a product, business and more. For certain content types, it also allows users to engage directly with your content right from Search. Rich Snippets are a relatively easy to use type of on page mark-up, that can set you apart from the competition, increase your click through rates, and possibly, increase your page rank. 


Here are some of the use cases for Rich Snippets:

Rich Snippets for CMS: Add rich snippets to your CMS pages, such as Contact Us, Blog, About. 

Rich Snippets for organizations: Add information about your company and make it stand out in relevant search results.

Rich Snippets for social media: Add Open Graph meta tags in order to provide richer content and higher click-through rate in URLs shared on social networks, as well as grow your social media followers base. 

Rich Snippets for category pages: Display ratings and category descriptions in search results.

Rich Snippets for product pages: Let you customers see prices, special offers, availability, product images, reviews and limited offers directly on search results pages.

Breadcrumbs: Display page’s hierarchy in search results, e.g. Company>Category>Subcategory>Product

Rich Snippets by Atwix makes the implementation of rich snippets as easy, as a couple of mouse clicks. Once it is installed from the Magento Marketplace, it is virtually ready to go. 


Benefits of Utilizing Rich Snippets:

  • Increase of the
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September 29, 2022







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Logo Project SEO Nofollow External Outbound Links
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SEO Nofollow External Outbound Links

Increase your website rankings in Google, Bing and other major search engines by making your external links NoFollow. The NoFollow tag makes sure that your website ranking juice is not passed to any low quality and spammy site, thus making your website rank higher in search engines. Google Says having too many external links can hurt your website authority, thus making it rank lower in Google search results.  Google recommends you to make the external links Nofollow to avoid any rankings drop. This is where this extension can help you to save your potential website rankings, instead of making links Nofollow one by one this extension can do it at once. However, for the exception, you can provide the domain URLs and this extension will keep links of these domains as do-follow.    A Must-Have Tool To Improve SEO Your outgoing links define how legit is your website and this exactly how Google is going to decide where you should be ranked. Having excessive outgoing links can damage your website's reputation. The NoFollow link practice is now followed by all major websites and blogs, they just add a do-follow link to only high-quality sites. You can keep the links of specific domains as do-follow by just adding their domain URLs in the back office. This will ensure the link trust is passed only to high quality and important websites.   Features List  Enable/Disable extension at any time Make outgoing links NoFollow Keep links of specific domains DoFollow Option to override and add target blank in Links Use Target blank to open links in new tab Compatible with Blog and other third-party extensions   Demo Backend  |  Frontend

This project was last updated September 29, 2022 byCloodo

Logo Project XML Google® Sitemap
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XML Google® Sitemap

The module lets you automatically generate XML sitemaps to introduce your web store to Google in the most appropriate way. Search engine crawlers need a guide to scan your website. They use a sitemap, which contains necessary groups of links as a basis when indexing the pages. With this Sitemap extension, search engine crawlers will find new pages much faster.  Due to flexible settings, it's possible to add any links (products, categories, CMS pages) to the sitemap or exclude unnecessary ones. It's also possible to include images and image titles. Apart from that, with the extension, you'll be able to see and edit all generated sitemaps on one handy grid.   Account & Pricing Google Search Console is a free service offered by Google. To enable the extension, no integration with Google and no API keys are required. There is currently no cost for this service.   Advanced Opportunities To Improve SEO With the XML Google® Sitemap extension, you can specify the priority of importance and frequency of updates for any group of links in your web store. This will help Google to index your pages properly and in time.    Make Your Web Store More Google-Friendly  Google search crawlers need sitemaps as the guide to discover your content. The more detailed your map is, the more precise and quickly is the indexing of your content.    Include Links To Any Pages In Your Sitemap With the Sitemap extension, you have a possibility to accurately particularize the links by their pages location. Configure the specifications for each group of links: product pages, category, CMS, and other extra pages.   Add Images With Templates To The Sitemap Web stores usually have a lot of images. It is a good idea to include them in the sitemap for indexation. Apart from simply including your web store images, the Magento 2 XML Sitemap extension allows you to specify the titles and add templates, which can contain variables (e.g. "Enjoy {product_name} from our web store!").   Prove Your Web Store As The Original Source Of Content The faster Google index your content, the more likely your content will be regarded as an authentic and original. Relatively, the more reliable your content seems to Google and the more trust you get from it. And consequently - from your online customers.   Remove Links Easily Sometimes it is necessary to remove some of the links from your sitemaps for SEO advancement. You can easily hide them from indexing. Input URLs that you want to exclude in the general configuration. Specify URL keys in the settings for CMS pages.   All The Sitemaps In One Place The XML extension employs a multifunctional grid to explore all sitemaps that you create. Generate, duplicate, edit, and delete sitemaps at the same location with no difficulty. Via the grid, you can browse all the sitemap's parameters, such as selected stores, path, URL, and the time it was generated.   Include The Date Of The Last Page Modification Let Google focus only on the updates and fresh pages. Include information on the last modifications' date of the product, category, CMS pages in the sitemaps with one click.   Demo: |See the Sitemap Grid|   User Guide: |Please take a look at the extension user guide to get moredetails|    Our Support Policy: Free lifetime updates 3 months of free support services included 25-day Marketplace Return Policy

This project was last updated September 29, 2022 byCloodo

Logo Project Cross Linking
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Cross Linking

Significantly improve the linking structure to meet the Google requirements and make each customer's visit more comfortable. With the Cross Linking extension for Magento 2, you can build internal and external links, set links to any product, category, or CMS pages. Thus, the main purpose of the module is to enhance the SEO value of your store website. The advanced linking structure will improve the site ranking in search engines. This will draw more customers and generate leads. Moreover, the extension automates the cross linking process to save up your time.   With the module, you can also improve your store architecture - the customers will better navigate and easily find what they are looking for. These will increase the customers' experience and make them loyal.    Key Features: Automatically generate links to any store page; Build links to any separate product, category or CMS page; Set link priority; Replace the keywords with the links; Use different links in different stores; Limit the number of links per page.   Build Internal Links With the Cross-Linking module, you can build the required linking structure. Make particular products highlighted or relate similar items to efficiently spread the link juice. To follow the Google requirements, you can easily limit the number of links per page or on the product, category, and CMS pages. On top of that, you can create relations that will automatically generate links instead of keywords to place them on product and category pages as well as CMS. Moreover, the extension allows you: use keywords variations; set link priority; add cross-links to attributes' options in the More Information tab.   Utilize External Links To Any Site In addition to internal linking, you can specify custom URLs that lead to other resources. They are believed as 3rd party votes and should help you boost the amount of traffic. Also, you can: set target format to open in the current tab or in the new one; utilize a particular store view for each link rule.   User Guide: | Take a look at the detailed user guide |   Demo: |Cross Linking Settings| |Manage Cross Links| |Cross Link to Discount Product|   Our Support Policy: Free lifetime updates; 3 months of free support services included; 25-days Marketplace Return Policy.

This project was last updated September 29, 2022 byCloodo

Logo Project HTML & XML SEO Sitemap Generator
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HTML & XML SEO Sitemap Generator

This HTML & XML SEO Sitemap Generator extension for Magento 2 allows you to generate sitemaps for your online store. Generate an SEO optimized XML sitemap and submit it to Google. This extension for Magento 2 also allows merchants to add an HTML Sitemap.  The XML sitemap can help you to improve your search engine rankings whereas the HTML sitemap improves website navigation and user experience. The store admin can generate multiple XML sitemaps and update them with a CRON job. Define priority, change frequency and include/exclude any product, category, CMS or any other pages from the sitemap. You can also remove certain links from the XML sitemap.  You may want to keep URLs hidden from sitemap which is password protected, blocked by robots.txt or has a no-index tag.   Key Features Create multiple, customizable XML Sitemaps  Multi-Lingual Sitemap generation (separate sitemap for each store view) Generate & Configure HTML sitemap according to your requirements Include / Exclude Products, Categories, and CMS pages from sitemaps Automatically adds sitemap URL in robot.txt Multi-Lingual and Multi-Store Supported     Add XML Sitemaps To Your Web Store  This extension facilitates you in creating XML Sitemaps to get your store pages indexed in Google. You can create multiple Sitemaps to expand and manage a multi-store eCommerce website. Include / Exclude products, categories, CMS pages, and links to the Sitemap and define their priority and change frequency.   Automatically Update Sitemap With CRON Job You can enable and configure the CRON job for the XML sitemaps to add new URLs. Set up a frequency as daily, weekly, or monthly, and time for the CRON job to update the URLs in an XML sitemap.    Automatically Adds Sitemap URL In Robots.txt This extension automatically adds the sitemap URL in the robots.txt file. This helps Google to find the sitemap and index it.   Enable Email Error Notification For The Admin You can set up email notifications for the admin to keep the manager or webmaster well informed about any error that may arise in the sitemap. The errors may appear if the sitemap generation is process is not completed and all URLs are not added to the sitemap.   Exclude URLs From The Sitemap With this extension, you can remove certain links from the XML sitemap.  You may want to keep URLs hidden from sitemap which is password protected, blocked by robots.txt or has a no-index tag.   Add HTML Sitemap For Better Website Navigation  You can add and personalize HTML sitemap to your eCommerce website to make sure the users easily find products, categories, pages, and content on your web store. The basic configuration options allow you to: Include products, categories, CMS pages, and links  Remove CMS pages from the sitemap Hide ‘Out of stock’ products   HTML Sitemap Configuration Options  This extension is equipped with numerous configuration options to help you streamline the user experience of your online store. It allows you to: Add Meta tags for better SEO Enable Search Field  Sort the content meaningfully   Demo Links Front End Back End

This project was last updated September 29, 2022 byCloodo

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